Friday, January 28, 2011

The big pains to make the gains

After a very solid recovery week, and closing in on the end of a full week of training, it seems the two week training camp was ages ago. But amazingly, I can already feel the effects of twelve days of full time training.

That's just over 46 hours of training, including just over 150km's of running.

Being a run focus, there were a few days of double runs.

All being new to me, and this block being, by FAR, the largest block I've ever done, (most of the training was at a high intensity, with all the running being either tempo, intervals, or track work,) it was pretty brutal for me. About 8-9 days in I started to crack mentally, and by the last day or two, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. It was odd, you would go for a nap, and your whole body feels like it's sleeping, but your mind stays awake. Yet you wake up feeling oddly refreshed. Strange.

This week being a full week of training, it's surprising to find out I am racing the Steveston IceBreaker 8k road race this sunday morning. Pretty much a "D" race, with absolutely no rest before, it will be a sufferfest like no other. But I am sure it will be a great time, I'll be there to have fun and get in some solid training at the same time (FUN always being number 1!!!) I just have my fingers crossed for some dry weather, especially since there's a 3 hour bike ride post race for moi :(


Some more VERY exciting news (mostly for me!haha) is I have booked a training block in April for Las Vegas!!!! It will be a big bike and run block, with focus on the bike. The thing I'm most looking forward to? SUN, HEAT, DRY WEATHER! Getting away from the cold, wet BC weather, and into the nice Vegas sun (average that time of year is a low of 14C, highs upwards of 30C) will be the real treat. Lucky for me, I'll be staying in a condo owned by the lovely Barb McPhee (thanks Barb!) located about 10km SW of the infamous Vegas Strip (ironically, my parents are there right now, celebrating their 30th Anniversary. Hope they win some money!) This will be my first solo training camp, but there are a few guys who might join me for a few days, which would definitely make it a bit more interesting. Not sure if anyone's seen the show 'Pawn Stars,' but I do intend on stopping by their shop to check out all the odds and ends they have (maybe try and pawn something?lol) Will be a good time.

Hopefully everyone is getting lots of early season training done, best of luck out there (and good luck with the weather!)

1 comment:

  1. would have to post/write about the sunny, warm weather in Las Vegas! As your appointed swim partner I suggest you investigate the open water scene and lake temperatures. Remind me to give you some cash to throw down on a T-shirt too!!!

    Get some rest...

